Foundation NewGeneration

Life Stories

"Each Latin American refugee story in Holland is a testament to resilience, hope, and the pursuit of a better future. Their journeys remind us of the strength found in adversity and the importance of extending compassion and support to those seeking refuge."


For the safety of the victims, in the stories told here, the names are changed.

Additionally, for their privacy, real images of the authors are not shown.

who i’m

Anne's story

A Cuban trans woman

TIn the heart of Havana, Cuba, lived Ana, a courageous transgender woman who dedicated her life to advocating for human rights in her country. Despite facing discrimination and persecution, Ana fearlessly spoke out against injustice, tirelessly fighting for equality and acceptance for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. As an outspoken activist, Ana played a pivotal role in raising awareness about the struggles faced by the LGBTQ+ community in Cuba. She organized rallies, participated in peaceful demonstrations, and used her voice to amplify the voices of marginalized individuals who were often silenced by societal norms. However, Ana's activism drew the attention of the Cuban authorities, who viewed her advocacy as a threat to their oppressive regime. She endured harassment, intimidation, and threats to her safety, but Ana refused to be silenced. Despite the risks, she continued her activism, determined to create a more inclusive and compassionate society for future generations. As the pressure and danger escalated, Ana knew she had to make a difficult decision to ensure her safety. With a heavy heart, she made the painful choice to leave her beloved Cuba behind and seek refuge in a country where she could live freely and openly as her authentic self. After a perilous journey, Ana finally arrived in the Netherlands, where she found sanctuary and support from organizations dedicated to assisting refugees. Though far from her homeland, Ana remained resilient, determined to rebuild her life and continue her advocacy for human rights, both in Cuba and abroad. In Holland, Ana found a community that embraced her with open arms, allowing her to finally live authentically without fear of persecution. Despite the challenges she faced as a refugee, Ana remained steadfast in her commitment to fighting for justice and equality for all, inspired by the hope of a brighter future where everyone can live free from discrimination and oppression.

who i’m

Miguel's story

A young Venezuelan activist

In the bustling streets of Caracas, Venezuela, lived Miguel, a passionate young activist with a fierce determination to bring about change in his country. From a young age, Miguel witnessed the injustices perpetrated by the Maduro regime and the criminal gangs that plagued his neighborhood. Despite the dangers, Miguel refused to stay silent, using his voice to speak out against corruption, oppression, and violence. As Miguel's activism gained momentum, he became a target of the oppressive regime and the criminal organizations that operated with impunity in his community. Threats, intimidation, and harassment became a part of his daily life, but Miguel remained undeterred, fueled by a deep desire to create a better future for his country and its people. Tragically, Miguel's bravery came at a cost. One fateful night, his younger brother, Alejandro, fell victim to the senseless violence that ravaged their neighborhood, becoming yet another casualty of the ongoing crisis in Venezuela. Devastated by the loss of his brother, Miguel vowed to honor Alejandro's memory by continuing the fight for justice and freedom. However, the threats against Miguel's life only intensified in the aftermath of his brother's death. Fearing for his safety, Miguel was forced to flee his homeland, leaving behind everything he knew and loved in search of refuge and sanctuary. With a heavy heart, he embarked on a perilous journey, facing countless obstacles and dangers along the way. After a harrowing escape, Miguel finally found refuge in the Netherlands, where he was welcomed with open arms by organizations dedicated to assisting refugees. Though relieved to have escaped the violence and persecution in Venezuela, Miguel carried the weight of his past experiences with him, haunted by the memories of those he had lost and the injustices he had witnessed. In Holland, Miguel found solace in a supportive community of fellow activists and refugees, who shared his passion for democracy, human rights, and social justice. Despite the distance from his homeland, Miguel remained committed to his cause, using his voice to raise awareness about the ongoing crisis in Venezuela and advocate for change on the international stage. Today, Miguel continues to fight for justice, determined to honor the memory of his brother and all those who have fallen victim to oppression and violence. Though the road ahead is fraught with challenges, Miguel remains steadfast in his belief that a better future is possible, one where freedom, democracy, and equality prevail for all Venezuelans.

who i’m

Sofia's story

A young woman who participated in the July 11 demonstrations in Cuba.

In the vibrant streets of Havana, Cuba, lived Sofia, a spirited young woman with a fervent desire for change in her country. Sofia had long dreamed of a Cuba where freedom of expression and democracy flourished, where her fellow citizens could live without fear of oppression or persecution. When the protests erupted on July 11, 2021, Sofia felt compelled to join her fellow Cubans in raising their voices against the injustices they faced. With unwavering courage, Sofia took to the streets, chanting slogans and waving banners demanding freedom and human rights. However, the peaceful protest quickly turned violent as government forces cracked down on demonstrators, unleashing a wave of arrests and brutality. In the chaos, Sofia was seized by authorities and thrown into a crowded prison cell, where she would spend the next nine months of her life. During her time behind bars, Sofia endured unimaginable horrors at the hands of her captors. She was subjected to physical and psychological torture, beaten and abused for daring to speak out against the regime. In the darkness of her cell, Sofia clung to the hope that one day she would be free, that her suffering would not be in vain. Tragically, Sofia's ordeal took a devastating turn when she became the victim of a heinous crime. She was brutally raped by prison guards, a harrowing violation of her dignity and humanity. Despite the trauma she endured, Sofia found the strength to survive, to keep fighting for justice and freedom, not just for herself, but for all those who had suffered at the hands of the regime. When Sofia was finally released from prison, she knew she could no longer stay in Cuba. The threat of further persecution loomed large, and Sofia feared for her safety and her life. With a heavy heart, she made the difficult decision to flee her homeland, leaving behind everything she had ever known in search of refuge and sanctuary. After a perilous journey, Sofia arrived in the Netherlands, where she found safety and support from organizations dedicated to assisting refugees. Though scarred by her experiences, Sofia refused to be silenced. She continued to speak out against the injustices perpetrated by the Cuban regime, using her voice to shine a light on the atrocities committed against her and countless others. In Holland, Sofia found solace in a community of fellow activists and survivors, who shared her determination to hold the perpetrators of human rights abuses accountable. Together, they worked tirelessly to advocate for justice and freedom, to ensure that the voices of the oppressed were heard and their stories told. Today, Sofia continues to fight for a better future, both for herself and for her beloved Cuba. Though the road ahead is fraught with challenges, Sofia remains steadfast in her belief that one day, her homeland will be free, that the sacrifices made by her and so many others will not have been in vain.

who i’m

Maria's story

A young Nicaraguan who experienced the student protests first-hand.

n the serene town of Matagalpa, Nicaragua, resided Maria, a determined young student with dreams of a brighter future for her country. Maria had always believed in the power of education and activism to bring about positive change, but she never imagined the horrors she would witness when she joined her fellow students in protesting against the oppressive regime. As Maria and her classmates took to the streets to demand democracy and freedom, they were met with violence and brutality from government forces. Maria watched in horror as the police fired upon unarmed students, their cries for justice drowned out by the sound of gunfire. In that moment, Maria knew she had to flee for her life if she hoped to survive. With a heavy heart, Maria said goodbye to her family and fled Nicaragua, leaving behind everything she had ever known in search of safety and sanctuary. After a perilous journey, Maria arrived in the Netherlands, where she sought asylum and protection from the persecution she had faced in her homeland. Though far from her loved ones and the country she called home, Maria refused to be silenced. She continued to speak out against the injustices perpetrated by the Nicaraguan regime, using her voice to advocate for human rights and democracy in her homeland. In Holland, Maria found solace in a supportive community of fellow activists and refugees, who shared her determination to hold the perpetrators of violence and oppression accountable. Together, they worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the plight of the Nicaraguan people and to demand justice for those who had been silenced. Today, Maria continues to fight for a better future, both for herself and for her beloved Nicaragua. Though the scars of her past may never fully heal, Maria remains steadfast in her belief that one day, her homeland will be free from tyranny and oppression, and that the sacrifices made by her and so many others will not have been in vain.

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