Foundation NewGeneration

Situation of Human Rights in Latin America.

The situation of human rights and democracy has deteriorated in recent years in the region due to the assumption of several governments and the consolidation of various anti-democratic regimes.


Thousands of people took to the streets on July 11 to peacefully protest against the economic situation, medicine shortages, the government's response to COVID-19, and harsh restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, in one of the biggest demonstrations in decades


Security forces, including the Police Special Action Force, continued to carry out extrajudicial executions. In January, 14 men died during a security operation in the La Vega parish in the capital, in circumstances that suggested they might have been victims of extrajudicial execution.


The human rights crisis persisted in Nicaragua. Journalists, human rights defenders and health professionals continued to face a hostile environment. Political activists, human rights defenders and journalists were frequently arbitrarily detained. Indigenous peoples continued to endure violence.









Europe continues to close its eyes to this reality.

Likewise, the European Union maintains cordial relations and supports dictatorships in Venezuela and Cuba.

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Support us so that the governments of the world condemn human rights violations in Latin America.

Rule of law

Democratic governance

Individual freedom

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