Foundation NewGeneration


Latest Actvismo News

La ex presa del 11J Angélica Garrido denuncia en Bruselas que “el pueblo cubano está muriendo en silencio”

14YMedio: La activista Angélica Garrido, liberada el pasado julio tras cumplir tres…

The former 11J prisoner Angélica Garrido denounces in Brussels that “the Cuban people are dying in silence.”

14YMedio: The activist Angélica Garrido, who was released last July after serving…

Voluntarios de la Fundación se reúnen en La Haya para denunciar los regímenes de Cuba y Venezuela

Voluntarios de la Fundación se reúnen en La Haya para denunciar los…

Foundation Volunteers Gather in The Hague to Denounce the Regimes of Cuba and Venezuela

Foundation Volunteers Gather in The Hague to Denounce the Regimes of Cuba…

Declaration of Support for the Cuban People: “Democratic change is urgent for our people!”

Declaration of Support for the Cuban People: "Democratic change is urgent for…

Exposición y demostración pública sobre el caso de Venezuela.

Dirigido a: Information and Evidence Unit Office of the Prosecutor Post Office…

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