Foundation NewGeneration


A Latino in Holland

The “A Latin in the Netherlands” project aims to provide comprehensive support to Latin American asylum seekers in the Netherlands. It offers guidance on the asylum process, emotional support, access to basic services, cultural integration activities, and community networks. The project seeks to improve well-being, integration, and solidarity among Latin American asylum seekers in the Netherlands.


Project Title: "A Latin in the Netherlands: Comprehensive Support for Latin American Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands"


The “A Latin in the Netherlands” project aims to provide comprehensive support and guidance to Latin American asylum seekers residing in the Netherlands. Recognizing the unique difficulties and challenges faced by asylum seekers, especially those from Latin America, the project seeks to provide resources, information, and assistance to facilitate their integration into Dutch society and ensure their well-being during the asylum application process.


  1. Provide guidance and legal advice to Latin American asylum seekers to understand and navigate the asylum application process in the Netherlands.
  2. Offer emotional and psychosocial support to asylum seekers during their stay in reception centers and throughout the asylum application process.
  3. Facilitate access to basic services, such as healthcare, education, and housing, to ensure the well-being and safety of asylum seekers.
  4. Organize workshops and cultural activities to promote social and cultural integration of asylum seekers into Dutch society.
  5. Facilitate connection and exchange of experiences among Latin American asylum seekers to strengthen mutual support and solidarity within the community.


  1. Informational and legal orientation sessions: Informational sessions on the asylum application process will be provided, and individualized legal advice will be offered to address the needs and concerns of asylum seekers.
  2. Emotional and psychosocial support: Support groups and counseling sessions will be organized to help asylum seekers manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges during their time in reception centers.
  3. Access to basic services: Access to essential services, such as healthcare, education for children and adults, and guidance on housing and employment options, will be facilitated.
  4. Workshops and cultural activities: Workshops on relevant topics such as language, culture, and social norms in the Netherlands, as well as cultural activities, will be organized to foster intercultural exchange and understanding.
  5. Community support networks: Support groups and contact networks will be established among Latin American asylum seekers to create a safe space where they can share experiences, resources, and advice.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Improved understanding of the asylum application process and the rights of Latin American asylum seekers in the Netherlands.
  2. Enhanced emotional and psychosocial well-being of asylum seekers during their stay in reception centers.
  3. Increased access to basic services and resources to meet the needs of asylum seekers.
  4. Enhanced social and cultural integration of asylum seekers into Dutch society.
  5. Strengthened community and solidarity among Latin American asylum seekers in the Netherlands.

The “A Latin in the Netherlands” project seeks to provide comprehensive and meaningful support to Latin American asylum seekers in the Netherlands, promoting their well-being, integration, and dignity during their search for protection and refuge in a new country.

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